Friday, April 14, 2017


Hey, guys! It's Willow here, and after 2 years, I'm jumping right back into Doctor Who.

As some of you might know, Doctor Who's 10th season starts this Saturday (April 15th).

Normally, I wouldn't make a whole entire post just to talk about a new season of a show, but this season? This season is special.

For one, it's the last season of both Peter Capaldi (the 12th Doctor) and showrunner Steven Moffat.
(I won't pretend I'm not glad to see Moffat go, but that's a story for another time.)

It's also the introduction of a new companion: BILL POTTS.

I barely know anything about Bill (played by Pearl Mackie), but I love her already.

Why? Well.

  • She's no one special. She's not Clara Oswald, the Impossible Girl, woven into the Doctor's timeline and his hearts. She's just an ordinary human being who's been given an extraordinary opportunity.
  • Doctor Who, here, is returning to its roots. At its core, it is a show about (ironic though it seems) humanity, about how normal people can do incredible things if you just give them the chance.
  • It hasn't exactly adhered to that standard recently, though. Ever since Moffat took over as showrunner (from the inimitable Russel T. Davies), the show has gotten ever more convoluted and its characters more ~special~. In my opinion, it's too much. I, for one, miss the simplicity, the humanity of RTD-era Who, and I know I'm not the only one who does. So of course I'm glad the show's going back to where it started.
  • Bill is New Who's second POC companion-- third, if you count Mickey Smith. I can't stress enough the importance of diversity in media, and Bill is an important step forward.
  • She's also openly gay, and the first companion to be so. Once again: diversity. To have one of the show's main characters be both POC and LGBT+ is an incredible milestone. (She's not the first LGBT+ character on the show*, but she's the first gay companion.) (*Jack Harkness, Madame Vastra, Jenny, River Song, Clara Oswald, etc.)
Judging from the trailer, it's going to be a somewhat more light-hearted season, one that's focused on misadventures throughout spacetime rather than destiny and ominous prophecies. I'm also excited to see the return of John Simm's the Master, and how he interacts with Capaldi's Doctor and Michelle Gomez's Missy. 

All in all, this season looks to be absolutely ~fabulous~ so far, and I can't wait to watch it!

Happy watching,

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