Friday, May 6, 2016

April 2016 Camp NaNoWriMo: The Aftermath

From the peak of a mountain, two travelers look worriedly at the clouds rising to the summit and begin their descent. They've taken their pictures, planted their flag, and seen their sunrise. Now, it's time to go back into the world of mortals.

From the depths of the Underworld, Orpheus picks up his lyre. He's played his best music for Hades, and now the love of his life stands behind him. He plays again as he ascends.

From the depths of an ocean trench, two divers give each other the signal for ascent. They've collected specimens from the Twilight Zone and now must swim back up, quickly enough for their air supply.

From the fantastic state of novel-writing, we're back! Or as back as we can ever be on this mass of *gestures vaguely in the air in front of her* virtual air and cyberspace.

How'd it go, you ask? (Or don't ask, doesn't matter, I'm spilling anyway.)

Citali: I've written more this month than I ever have in a NaNo or a Camp. However, due to my low standards, that means I cleared 10,000 words. More specifically, 11,297, just barely above that. On the downside, I didn't finish the story. In terms of literature, I'm probably at the inciting incident/early rising action, depending on whether you'd count the multiple flashback/backstory bits. And this is probably the least stressful NaNo or Camp I'll do in a while, since July and November will be pretty busy months. I stopped writing around the twentieth because of a busy weekend that coincided with a plot pothole, and, well. On to the positivity flood! If I'd set my goal to the 10,000 words I did for the previous NaNo and Camps, I would have won, and that's making me feel good. I actually made a brainstorming document, though I don't know if it helped. I wrote mostly continuously. I read No Plot? No Problem! and followed mostly along with it (until week 3, when advice started getting less applicable because of my word slump). And lastly and most importantly (I think), I wrote with Willow for the first time (and got thoroughly beaten) and was able to be in a Camp cabin with lots of friends/acquaintances I'd like to get to know better.

Willow: Yeah. This April was actually my first time doing Camp, and I'm glad to say I enjoyed myself immensely. I made friends (!!!) in the Camp cabin, and like Citali said, I want to get to know them. If any of you guys are reading this, hi! *waves* As far as word count goes, I don't think I did too badly: 14,344 words, which while still a good few hundred away from my goal (15,000) isn't half bad. In case you're wondering, I wrote-- or started writing, anyway-- a Star Wars fanfiction-thing*. Don't judge. I can feel you judging. Stop it. *sticks tongue out* Anyhoo, it was a really great experience and I can't wait to do it again this July!

*if anyone's curious, it's a what-if story about Ahsoka Tano after the events of The Clone Wars Season 5 finale.

Happy reading, writing, and Camping!
~Willow and Citali


  1. Sounds amazing! And no, Willow, I'm not judging. Fanfiction is amazing when done properly.

    1. True, true. I can only hope I did mine properly! :-)
