Saturday, May 28, 2016


It is true what they say:
"With great power comes great responsibility."
Marvel Comics knows this;
after all, it's a classic Spider-Man line, isn't it?
On the other hand, it is also true that
power corrupts, and that
absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Marvel Comics
has just proven that never
has a truer word been spoken.

I write this
Regarding the recent controversy
Surrounding the release of a new comic featuring
Steve Rogers as Captain America
(which, as you might have heard,
he has not been in a while.)
This is all well and good, only...
Plot twist.
According to the writers of this issue--
(Imagine I am reading this out loud.
My voice is heavy with sarcasm.)
--anyway, according to the writers of this issue,
Steven Grant Rogers, Captain America,
is HYDRA. And always has been.

First of all, how dare you?
How dare you take something that was
written by Jewish writers to oppose Hitler
(in a time when it was not wise to oppose Hitler)
and say, "oh, yeah, he's been a 
Nazi all along"?
"We've been dropping hints for a while--"
No, you haven't. Please.
Spare me.

Second of all, how dare you?
Captain America, the paragon of freedom,
the very embodiment of America--
not what it is, but what it should be.
Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.
How dare you take Steve Rogers
(kind Steve Rogers, humble Steve Rogers,
selfless Steve Rogers, good Steve Rogers)
and turn him into a white supremacist?

Third of all, how dare you?
How, might I ask,
am I going to explain to my little cousin
(she idolizes Cap; who doesn't really?)
how will I explain to her that the hero
she looks up to,
the person she wants to be
 when she grows up,
is a Nazi?
How dare you?

Fourth of all, how dare you?
This travesty is akin to
Bucky Barnes saying that
he consented to brainwashing.
It is like taking MCU T'challa
and forcing him to say that
his father deserved to die,
it is as if Tony Stark
set aside the suit
because,  he says, the world doesn't 
deserve protection.
It is like Natalia Romanova
confessing, a smile on her lips,
that she enjoyed the murder she was forced to commit.
(as if she would ever. no, no, Natasha could never. would never.
likewise: never could Captain America be HYDRA)
It is worse.
This is taking every Holocaust survivor,
and every Holocaust survivor's descendants,
and slapping them.
Telling them that they deserved it.

How dare you?

(This has been, lovely readers, a poem inspired by shock and disbelief and deep, deep rage.)

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